Introduction ------------ This readme document contains the latest update information about the Video Package for Video Blaster MP400 card in OS/2 Warp. Package Information ------------------- The complete Video Package includes o Video and audio device drivers o Video Blaster Setup and Video Blaster Configure programs o Readme file and licensing agreement The following is a brief description of the various files in the diskette : o CTVIDEO.ICO - Icon file for Video Blaster Folder o MP400VID.SYS - Video device driver o MP400AUD.SYS - Audio device driver o MP400STP.EXE - Video Blaster MP400 Setup Program o MP400STP.HLP - Video Blaster MP400 Setup Help file o MP400CFG.EXE - Video Blaster MP400 Configure Program o MP400CFG.HLP - Video Blaster MP400 Configure Help file o README.VMP - This file o LICENSE.TXT - Creative Software License Installation Instructions ------------------------- To install the Video Blaster MP400 Drivers : a. Run the program INSTALL.EXE from OS/2 command prompt. This program can be found in the Diskette provided. => The 'Selective Installation Utility' dialog box appears. b. Select the features to be installed. c. Click the INSTALL button to begin installation. => The 'Installation Status' dialog box appears. d. If your system is not pre-installed with MPEG drivers, a dialog box, prompting for drive to install from, appears. Select the drive. => The MPEG driver files will be unpacked and installed into system. e. Click the YES button to proceed with the installation when the 'Warning' dialog box appears. => The 'Video Blaster MP400 Card Setup' dialog box appears. e. Click the spin button to set the : - Interrupt 5, 10(default), 11, 12, or 15 - Port Address 240, 280, 2C0(default), 300, 340 or 380 - High DMA Channel 5, 6 or 7(default) => The installation is successfully completed when you are prompted to shutdown and reboot the system. => The original CONFIG.SYS, MMPM2.INI and MMPMMMIO.INI are backed up to CONFIG.$$$, MMPM2.$$$ and MMPMMMIO.$$$ respectively. f. Shut down the system immediately. Any attempt to run other multimedia programs before shut down may cause the lost of update made to the system configuration files. Known limitations ----------------- o Can support a resolution up to 800x600. o No support for CD-I. o Note that some systems' HDMA do not work properly. o Playback from CD-ROM on low end system exhibits poor performance due to high overhead in OS/2 MPEG architecture. o Playback of Video-CD is smoother than MPEG files on CDROM drive. o Multiple seeks before current seek is complete can cause the Media Player's buttons to be disabled. Special Notes ------------- o If you encounter video jerkiness during playback, you may like to specify /Z option for MP400VID.SYS driver in CONFIG.SYS. However, this option may not work on some MPEG streams.